So this is my Sailor, Greg. You will probably come to know him as Lovey, my boy, the Hubby, or my Sailor..."Greg" is really only when he's in trouble. :-P Well, I got to talk to my love tonight!! It was the first contact I have had with him in about a week, and it really does amaze me how I fall in love with him all over again when I am near him, or even just hear him. My short little conversation, ((that cost us $50 by the way)) was just what I needed to get me thru another week or however long until I can hear from him again. However, now my already overly hormonal, emotional and worrisome pregnant self will be a nervous wreck until I hear that he has changed locations. My Sailor's job, in short, he works with a Humanitarian Unit. They go to different countries ((but are assigned to one region)) and basically let those countries know, 'Hey the USA is still here let us help you, and ya know, if we ever need you, you got our backs right?!?' I am so very proud of him, he has been sent out A LOT since he joined and he has been apart of and witnessed some great things. They go out whenever they are needed, and they go on a different ship each time. For instance, his was one of the first Naval teams to be sent to Haiti after the quake,
even though they had just returned from a deployment 3 weeks prior. ANYWAY....right now they are on a large Humanitarian mission, visiting several countries in a short amount of time. They are setting up medical clinics, providing food, water, clothes, medical supplies, re-building schools and hospitals. Basically going into these third world countries and offering their time and resources to help make their lives a little better. Now I worry about him everyday that he's gone...hell I worry about him when he's in the states just at work everyday; but I know he's not in a war zone; he's not even near one. The thought is always in the back of my mind, I mean, they ran into some problems with hostile Hatians after the quake....I understand we are a foreign body in their world, but for the most part, I don't worry that too much harm will come to him on this mission......WELL.....that's shot to hell and back!! See I'm stradaling the line of OPSEC right now ((even though the media has been covering this mission in a lot of detail....OPSEC violationg detail))...so I'm going to put this carefully....The country he is in right now, he is on land. They are with several branches of the military and half of the troops are on the ship and half are on land. They are rebuilding providing medical etc. Apparently, they learned that there is roughly a $100,000 bounty on the head of any and every American that the locals can capture and bring in. WHAT IS THAT!!!! Why are we there? This is a HUMANITARIAN mission; not lets hang around here and risk troops becoming POW because they see us as a threat....or a dollar sign. I just don't understand. Now I'm just worried and unbelievably concerned.
I know he'll be ok, and I know the worry comes with the territory; and I'm glad he keeps me filled in....but part of me just wishes he would have waited until AFTER they had changed locations to tell me that...until after he was out of the danger....but then I probably would have been mad that he didn't tell me right away LOL.
I hope my Hubby knows how much I love him. I hope ALL of our men know the depth of passion we feel for them. I admire anyone in a Military relationship. The men and woman that brave this lifestyle are truly one of a kind. Civilians may wonder how we do it, but I know, and you all know, that although it hurts to live this life....living without Him is no life at all.
We worry, we wait, we pack, we sleep alone, we raise the kids alone, we adapt, we move, we survive holidays, birthdays and anniversaries without our other halves, we deal with limited contact, we reassure the kids everyday that Daddy still loves them, we keep families in touch, we pack sea bags and prepare Homecomings, we endure bitter lonliness....all to be able to kiss, hug, touch, hold, smell, and love our Prince Charming, who just happened to ride up in camos.
~~Military SO's are in the ranks rarely seen~~
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